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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Another day in the hood!  

Good evening to all of you...I just spent the day driving around trying to get all sorts of  "stuff" done for my family and a few things for my self. What else do people do on saturdays?  Well I could think of some things....which all include sleeping of some sort...but since no one sleeps at my house...I guess this is the next best choice! 

I am busy working on hats for this "Special Olympics Chili Cookoff Booth"...anything that doesn't sell in the booth that day...will go in the "All Size Sale" that we will have next week....Sunday Sept 25 4pm PST 
I am super excited for that ALOT of you are trying to get ready for winter and in need of hopfully I have a bunch of things that you all are wanting!!!  Ok..thats all I have for tonight!  Good night Ya'll

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